Bubble developer with 25 years of overall software development
I have worked in the trade floor programming trading systems using Visual Basic (back in the 90s). Then worked in the first dot.com boom using Java to build apps for Euro 2000 and other major football websites. I then founded an auction software company and wrote the first version of our product using Java, MySQL, memcache, Linux, Nginx and Tomcat. Over the longer term I worked with clients, drove the product forward and managed the team as a CTO. We worked with clients all over the world auctioning coffee and industrial machinery. Pretty diverse! Very exciting and we set new world records for coffee prices. It was a bullet proof system and is still used today by many clients.
Overall I am full stack developer and pretty good on Dev Ops side of things. Really good with databases, data structure and optimisation.
When I closed the company last year I started learning Bubble (and will take my certification in June). I’ve already written an Auction Saas (which you can see here: https://www.platformbid.com/). I can give you a login in the demo product to if you want to take a look at the quality of my Bubble work - the admin system is great.
My structured programming experience meant I know who to write well structured Bubble apps and how to get around all the quirks of the platform.
I am really comfortable with database triggers and Backend API Workflows and webhooks. I've worked directly with the full Stripe API, setting up payments and recurring subscriptions with 3 different pricing points and variations. I’ve also programmed against the Digital Ocean API to manage DNS and other stuff. I've also worked with remote database hosted on MySql on Digital Ocean.
I hope that helps give you a flavour of what I am about. I look forward to hearing about your requirements.